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中华人民共和国行政诉讼法  发贴心情 Post By:2009/11/28 22:37:21

                        中华人民共和国主席  杨尚昆
          目  录
    第一章  总  则
    第二章  受案范围
    第三章  官  辖
    第四章  诉讼参加人
    第五章  证  据
    第六章  起诉和受理
    第七章  审理和判决
    第八章  执  行
    第九章  侵权赔偿责任
    第十章  涉外行政诉讼
    第十一章  附  则
          第一章  总  则
    第一条  为保证人民法院正确、及时审理行政案件,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,维护和监督行政机关依法行使行政职权,根据宪法制定本法。
    第二条  公民、法人或者其他组织认为行政机关和行政机关工作人员的具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益,有权依照本法向人民法院提起诉讼。
    第三条  人民法院依法对行政案件独立行使审判权,不受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。
    第四条  人民法院审理行政案件,以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。
    第五条  人民法院审理行政案件,对具体行政行为是否合法进行审查。
    第六条  人民法院审理行政案件,依法实行合议、回避、公开审判和两审终审制度。
    第七条  当事人在行政诉讼中的法律地位平等。
    第八条  各民族公民都有用本民族语言、文字进行行政诉讼的权利。
    第九条  当事人在行政诉讼中有权进行辩论。
    第十条  人民检察院有权对行政诉讼实行法律监督。
          第二章  受案范围
    第十一条  人民法院受理公民、法人和其他组织对下列具体行政行为不服提起的诉讼:
    第十二条  人民法院不受理公民、法人或者其他组织对下列事项提起的诉讼:
          第三章  管  辖
    第十三条  基层人民法院管辖第一审行政案件。
    第十四条  中级人民法院管辖下列第一审行政案件:
    第十五条  高级人民法院管辖本辖区内重大、复杂的第一审行政案件。
    第十六条  最高人民法院管辖全国范围内重大、复杂的第一审行政案件。
    第十七条  行政案件由最初作出具体行政行为的行政机关所在地人民法院管辖。经复议的案件,复议机关改变原具体行政行为的,也可以由复议机关所在地人民法院管辖。
    第十八条  对限制人身自由的行政强制措施不服提起的诉讼,由被告所在地或者原告所在地人民法院管辖。
    第十九条  因不动产提起的行政诉讼,由不动产所在地人民法院管辖。
    第二十条  两个以上人民法院都有管辖权的案件,原告可以选择其中一个人民法院提起诉讼。原告向两个以上有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼的,由最先收到起诉状的人民法院管辖。
    第二十一条  人民法院发现受理的案件不属于自己管辖时,应当移送有管辖权的人民法院。受移送的人民法院不得自行移送。
    第二十二条  有管辖权的人民法院由于特殊原因不能行使管辖权的,由上级人民法院指定管辖。
    第二十三条  上级人民法院有权审判下级人民法院管辖的第一审行政案件,也可以把自己管辖的第一审行政案件移交下级人民法院审判。
          第四章  诉讼参加人
    第二十四条  依照本法提起诉讼的公民、法人或者其他组织是原告。
    第二十五条  公民、法人或者其他组织直接向人民法院提起诉讼的,作出具体行政行为的行政机关是被告。
    第二十六条  当事人一方或双方为二人以上,因同一具体行政行为发生的行政案件,或者因同样的具体行政行为发生的行政案件、人民法院认为可以合并审理的,为共同诉讼。
    第二十七条  同提起诉讼的具体行政行为有利害关系的其他公民、法人或者其他组织,可以作为第三人申请参加诉讼,或者由人民法院通知参加诉讼。
    第二十八条  没有诉讼行为能力的公民,由其法定代理人代为诉讼。法定代理人互相推诿代理责任的,由人民法院指定其中一人代为诉讼。
    第二十九条  当事人、法定代理人,可以委托一至二人代为诉讼。
    第三十条  代理诉讼的律师,可以依照规定查阅本案有关材料,可以向有关组织和公民调查,收集证据。对涉及国家秘密和个人隐私的材料,应当依照法律规定保密。
          第五章  证  据
    第三十一条  证据有以下几种:
    第三十二条  被告对作出的具体行政行为负有举证责任,应当提供作出该具体行政行为的证据和所依据的规范性文件。
    第三十三条  在诉讼过程中,被告不得自行向原告和证人收集证据。
    第三十四条  人民法院有权要求当事人提供或者补充证据。
    第三十五条  在诉讼过程中,人民法院认为对专门性问题需要鉴定的,应当交由法定鉴定部门鉴定;没有法定鉴定部门的,由人民法院指定的鉴定部门鉴定。
    第三十六条  在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,诉讼参加人可以向人民法院申请保全证据,人民法院也可以主动采取保全措施。
          第六章  起诉和受理
    第三十七条  对属于人民法院受案范围的行政案件,公民、法人或者其他组织可以先向上一级行政机关或者法律、法规规定的行政机关申请复议,对复议不服的,再向人民法院提起诉讼;也可以直接向人民法院提起诉讼。
    第三十八条  公民、法人或者其他组织向行政机关申请复议的,复议机关应当在收到申请书之日起两个月内作出决定。法律、法规另有规定的除外。
    第三十九条  公民、法人或者其他组织直接向人民法院提起诉讼的,应当在知道作出具体行政行为之日起三个月内提出。法律另有规定的除外。
    第四十条  公民、法人或者其他组织因不可抗力或者其他特殊情况耽误法定期限的,在障碍消除后的十日内,可以申请延长期限,由人民法院决定。
    第四十一条  提起诉讼应当符合下列条件:
    第四十二条  人民法院接到起诉状,经审查,应当在七日内立案或者作出裁定不予受理。原告对裁定不服的,可以提起上诉。
          第七章  审理和判决
    第四十三条  人民法院应当在立案之日起五日内,将起诉状副本发送被告。被告应当在收到起诉状副本之日起十日内向人民法院提交作出具体行政行为的有关材料,并提出答辩状。人民法院应当在收到答辩状之日起五日内,将答辩状副本发送原告。
    第四十四条  诉讼期间,不停止具体行政行为的执行。但有下列情形之一的,停止具体行政行为的执行:
    第四十五条  人民法院公开审理行政案件,但涉及国家秘密、个人隐私和法律另有规定的除外。
    第四十六条  人民法院审理行政案件,由审判员组成合议庭,或者由审判员、陪审员组成合议庭。合议庭的成员,应当是三人以上的单数。
    第四十七条  当事人认为审判人员与本案有利害关系或者有其他关系可能影响公正审判,有权申请审判人员回避。
    第四十八条  经人民法院两次合法传唤,原告无正当理由拒不到庭的,视为申请撤诉;被告无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以缺席判决。
    第四十九条  诉讼参与人或者其他人有下列行为之一的,人民法院可以根据情节轻重,予以训诫、责令具结悔过或者处一千元以下的罚款、十五日以下的拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
    第五十条  人民法院审理行政案件,不适用调解。
    第五十一条  人民法院对行政案件宣告判决或者裁定前,原告申请撤诉的,或者被告改变其所作的具体行政行为,原告同意并申请撤诉的,是否准许,由人民法院裁定。
    第五十二条  人民法院审理行政案件,以法律和行政法规、地方性法规为依据。地方性法规适用于本行政区域内发生的行政案件。
    第五十三条  人民法院审理行政案件,参照国务院部、委根据法律和国务院的行政法规、决定、命令制定、发布的规章以及省、自治区、直辖市和省、自治区的人民政府所在地的市和经国务院批准的较大的市的人民政府根据法律和国务院的行政法规制定、发布的规章。
    第五十四条  人民法院经过审理,根据不同情况,分别作出以下判决:
    第五十五条  人民法院判决被告重新作出具体行政行为的,被告不得以同一的事实和理由作出与原具体行政行为基本相同的具体行政行为。
    第五十六条  人民法院在审理行政案件中,认为行政机关的主管人员、直接责任人员违反政纪的,应当将有关材料移送该行政机关或者其上一级行政机关或者监察、人事机关;认为有犯罪行为的,应当将有关材料移送公安、检察机关。
    第五十七条  人民法院应当在立案之日起三个月内作出第一审判决。有特殊情况需要延长的,由高级人民法院批准,高级人民法院审理第一审案件需要延长的,由最高人民法院批准。
    第五十八条  当事人不服人民法院第一审判决的,有权在判决书送达之日起十五日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。当事人不服人民法院第一审裁定的,有权在裁定书送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。逾期不提起上诉的,人民法院的第一审判决或者裁定发生法律效力。
    第五十九条  人民法院对上诉案件,认为事实清楚的,可以实行书面审理。
    第六十条  人民法院审理上诉案件,应当在收到上诉状之日起两个月内作出终审判决。有特殊情况需要延长的,由高级人民法院批准,高级人民法院审理上诉案件需要延长的,由最高人民法院批准。
    第六十一条  人民法院审理上诉案件,按照下列情形,分别处理:
    第六十二条  当事人对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,认为确有错误的,可以向原审人民法院或者上一级人民法院提出申诉,但判决、裁定不停止执行。
    第六十三条  人民法院院长对本院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现违反法律、法规规定认为需要再审的,应当提交审判委员会决定是否再审。
    第六十四条  人民检察院对人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现违反法律、法规规定的,有权按照审判监督程序提出抗诉。
          第八章  执  行
    第六十五条  当事人必须履行人民法院发生法律效力的判决、裁定。
    第六十六条  公民、法人或者其他组织对具体行政行为在法定期间不提起诉讼又不履行的,行政机关可以申请人民法院强制执行,或者依法强制执行。
          第九章  侵权赔偿责任
    第六十七条  公民、法人或者其他组织的合法权益受到行政机关或者行政机关工作人员作出的具体行政行为侵犯造成损害的,有权请求赔偿。
    第六十八条  行政机关或者行政机关工作人员作出的具体行政行为侵犯公民、法人或者其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,由该行政机关或者该行政机关工作人员所在的行政机关负责赔偿。
    第六十九条  赔偿费用,从各级财政列支。各级人民政府可以责令有责任的行政机关支付部分或者全部赔偿费用。具体办法由国务院规定。
          第十章  涉外行政诉讼
    第七十条  外国人、无国籍人、外国组织在中华人民共和国进行行政诉讼,适用本法。法律另有规定的除外。
    第七十一条  外国人、无国籍人、外国组织在中华人民共和国进行行政诉讼,同中华人民共和国公民、组织有同等的诉讼权利和义务。
    第七十二条  中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约同本法有不同规定的,适用该国际条约的规定。中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。
    第七十三条  外国人、无国籍人、外国组织在中华人民共和国进行行政诉讼,委托律师代理诉讼的,应当委托中华人民共和国律师机构的律师。
          第十一章  附  则
    第七十四条  人民法院审理行政案件,应当收取诉讼费用。诉讼费用由败诉方承担,双方都有责任的由双方分担。收取诉讼费用的具体办法另行规定。
    第七十五条  本法自1990年10月1日起施行。
          Important Notice: (注意事项)
    英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
    当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This  English  document  is  coming  from  "LAWS  AND  REGULATIONS  OF THE
which  is  compiled  by  the  Brueau  of  Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of  the  People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
          Whole Document (法规全文)
(Adopted at the Second Session of the  Seventh  National  People's
Congress on April 4, 1989, promulgated by Order No. 16 of the President of
the People's Republic of China on April  4,  1989,  and  effective  as  of
October 1, 1990)
Chapter I     General Provisions
Chapter II    Scope of Accepting Cases
Chapter III   Jurisdiction
Chapter IV    Participants in Proceedings
Chapter V     Evidence
Chapter VI    Bringing a Suit and Accepting a Case
Chapter VII   Trial and Judgment
Chapter VIII  Execution
Chapter IX    Liability for Compensation for Infringement of Rights
Chapter X     Administrative Procedure Involving Foreign Interest
Chapter XI    Supplementary Provisions
          Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
Pursuant to the Constitution, this Law  is  enacted  for  the  purpose  of
ensuring the correct and prompt handling of administrative  cases  by  the
people's courts, protecting the lawful rights and interests  of  citizens,
legal persons and other organizations, and  safeguarding  and  supervising
the  exercise  of  administrative  powers  by  administrative  organs   in
accordance with the law.
Article 2
If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization considers that  his
or its lawful rights and interests have been infringed upon by a  specific
administrative act of an administrative organ or its personnel, he  or  it
shall have the right to bring a suit before a people's court in accordance
with this Law.
Article 3
The people's courts shall, in accordance with the law,  exercise  judicial
power independently with respect to administrative cases, and shall not be
subject to interference by any administrative organ,  public  organization
or individual.  The people's courts shall set up administrative  divisions
for the handling of administrative cases.
Article 4
In conducting administrative proceedings, the people's courts  shall  base
themselves on facts and take the law as the criterion.
Article 5
In handling administrative cases, the people's courts  shall  examine  the
legality of specific administrative acts.
Article 6
In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall, as prescribed
by law, apply the systems  of  collegial  panel,  withdrawal  of  judicial
personnel and public trial and a system whereby the second instance is the
final instance.
Article 7
Parties to an administrative suit shall have equal legal positions.
Article 8
Citizens of all nationalities shall have the right  to  use  their  native
spoken and written languages in administrative proceedings.
In an area where people of a minority  nationality  live  in  concentrated
communities or where a number of nationalities live together, the people's
courts shall  conduct  adjudication  and  issue  legal  documents  in  the
language or languages commonly used by the local nationalities.
The people's courts  shall  provide  interpretation  for  participants  in
proceedings who do not understand the language or languages commonly  used
by the local nationalities.
Article 9
Parties to an administrative suit shall have the right to debate.
Article 10
The people's  procuratorates  shall  have  the  right  to  exercise  legal
supervision over administrative proceedings.
          Chapter II Scope of Accepting Cases
Article 11
The people's courts shall accept suits brought by citizens, legal  persons
or  other  organizations   against   any   of   the   following   specific
administrative acts:
(1) an administrative sanction, such as detention, fine, rescission  of  a
license or permit, order to suspend production or business or confiscation
of property, which one refuses to accept;
(2) a compulsory administrative measure, such as  restricting  freedom  of
the person or the sealing up, seizing or freezing of property,  which  one
refuses to accept;
(3) infringement upon one's managerial decision-making  powers,  which  is
considered to have been perpetrated by an administrative organ;
(4) refusal by an administrative organ to issue a permit or license, which
one considers oneself legally qualified to apply for, or  its  failure  to
respond to the application;
(5) refusal by an administrative organ to perform its  statutory  duty  of
protecting one's rights of the person and of property, as one has  applied
for, or its failure to respond to the application;
(6) cases where an administrative organ is considered to  have  failed  to
issue a pension according to law;
(7) cases where an administrative organ is considered  to  have  illegally
demanded the performance of duties; and
(8) cases where an administrative organ is considered  to  have  infringed
upon other rights of the person and of property.
Apart from the provisions set  forth  in  the  preceding  paragraphs,  the
people's courts shall accept  other  administrative  suits  which  may  be
brought  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of   relevant   laws   and
Article 12
The people's courts shall not accept  suits  brought  by  citizens,  legal
persons or other organizations against any of the following matters:
(1) acts of the state in areas like national defence and foreign affairs;
(2) administrative rules and regulations, regulations,  or  decisions  and
orders  with  general  binding   force   formulated   and   announced   by
administrative organs;
(3) decisions of an administrative organ on awards or punishments for  its
personnel or on the appointment or relief of duties of its personnel; and
(4) specific administrative acts that shall, as provided for  by  law,  be
finally decided by an administrative organ.
          Chapter III Jurisdiction
Article 13
The basic people's courts shall  have  jurisdiction  as  courts  of  first
instance over administrative cases.
Article 14
The intermediate people's courts shall  have  jurisdiction  as  courts  of
first instance over the following administrative cases:
(1) cases of confirming patent rights of invention and  cases  handled  by
the Customs;
(2) suits against specific administrative acts undertaken  by  departments
under the State Council or  by  the  people's  governments  of  provinces,
autonomous  regions  or  municipalities   directly   under   the   Central
Government; and
(3) grave and complicated cases in areas under their jurisdiction.
Article 15
The higher people's courts shall have  jurisdiction  as  courts  of  first
instance over grave and complicated administrative cases  in  areas  under
their jurisdiction.
Article 16
The Supreme People's Court shall have jurisdiction as  a  court  of  first
instance over grave and complicated  administrative  cases  in  the  whole
Article 17
An administrative case shall be under the  jurisdiction  of  the  people's
court in the locality of the administrative organ that initially undertook
the specific administrative act. A reconsidered case in  which  the  organ
conducting  the  reconsideration  has  amended   the   original   specific
administrative act may also  be  placed  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the
people's court in the locality of the administrative organ conducting  the
Article 18
A suit against compulsory administrative measures restricting  freedom  of
the person shall be under the jurisdiction of  a  people's  court  in  the
place where the defendant or the plaintiff is located.
Article 19
An administrative suit regarding  a  real  property  shall  be  under  the
jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the real property is
Article 20
When two or more people's  courts  have  jurisdiction  over  a  suit,  the
plaintiff may have the option to bring the suit in one of  these  people's
courts. If the plaintiff brings the suit in two or  more  people's  courts
that have jurisdiction over  the  suit,  the  people's  court  that  first
receives the bill of complaint shall have jurisdiction.
Article 21
If a people's court finds that a case it has accepted  is  not  under  its
jurisdiction, it shall transfer the case to the people's court  that  does
have jurisdiction over the case.  The people's court to which the case has
been transferred shall not on its own initiative transfer  it  to  another
people's court.
Article 22
If a people's court which has  jurisdiction  over  a  case  is  unable  to
exercise its jurisdiction for special  reasons,  a  people's  court  at  a
higher level shall designate another court to exercise the jurisdiction.
If a dispute arises over jurisdiction between people's courts, it shall be
resolved by the parties  to  the  dispute  through  consultation.  If  the
dispute cannot be resolved through consultation, it shall be reported to a
people's court superior to the courts in dispute for  the  designation  of
Article 23
People's courts at higher levels shall have the  authority  to  adjudicate
administrative cases over which  people's  courts  at  lower  levels  have
jurisdiction  as  courts  of  first  instance;  they  may  also   transfer
administrative cases over  which  they  themselves  have  jurisdiction  as
courts of first instance to people's courts at lower levels for trial.  If
a people's court deems it necessary for an administrative  case  of  first
instance under its jurisdiction to be adjudicated by a people's court at a
higher level, it may report to such a people's court for decision.
          Chapter IV Participants in Proceedings
Article 24
A citizen, a legal person or any other organization that brings a suit  in
accordance with this Law shall be a plaintiff.
If a citizen who has the right to bring  a  suit  is  deceased,  his  near
relatives may bring the suit.
If a legal person or any other organization that has the right to bring  a
suit terminates, the legal person or any other organization that  succeeds
to its rights may bring the suit.
Article 25
If a citizen, a legal person or any  other  organization,  brings  a  suit
directly before a people's court, the administrative organ that  undertook
the specific administrative act shall be the defendant.
For a reconsidered case, if the organ that conducted  the  reconsideration
sustains the original  specific  administrative  act,  the  administrative
organ that initially undertook the act shall  be  the  defendant;  if  the
organ that conducted the reconsideration has amended the original specific
administrative  act,  the  administrative  organ   which   conducted   the
reconsideration shall be the defendant.
If two or more administrative organs have  undertaken  the  same  specific
administrative act, the administrative organs that have jointly undertaken
the act shall be the joint defendants.
If a specific administrative act has been undertaken  by  an  organization
authorized  to  undertake  the  act  by  the  law  or   regulations,   the
organization shall be the defendant. If a specific administrative act  has
been undertaken by an  organization  as  entrusted  by  an  administrative
organ, the entrusting organ shall be the defendant.
If an administrative organ has been abolished,  the  administrative  organ
that carries on the exercise of functions  and  powers  of  the  abolished
organ shall be the defendant.
Article 26
A joint suit shall be constituted when one party or both  parties  consist
of two or more persons and the administrative cases are against  the  same
specific administrative act or against the specific administrative acts of
the same nature and the people's court considers that  the  cases  can  be
handled together.
Article 27
If any other citizen, legal person or any other organization has interests
in a specific administrative act under litigation, he  or  it  may,  as  a
third party, file a request to  participate  in  the  proceedings  or  may
participate in them when so notified by the people's court.
Article 28
Any citizen with no capacity to take part in litigation shall have one  or
more legal representatives who will act on his behalf in a  suit.  If  the
legal representatives try to shift their responsibilities onto each other,
the people's court may appoint one of them as the  representative  of  the
principal in litigation.
Article 29
Each party or legal representative may  entrust  one  or  two  persons  to
represent him in litigation.
A lawyer, a public organization, a near relative of the  citizen  bringing
the suit, or a person  recommended  by  the  unit  to  which  the  citizen
bringing the suit belongs or any other citizen approved  by  the  people's
court may be entrusted as an agent ad litem.
Article 30
A lawyer who serves as an agent ad litem may consult materials  pertaining
to  the  case  in  accordance  with  relevant  provisions,  and  may  also
investigate among and collect evidence from the organizations and citizens
concerned. If the  information  involves  state  secrets  or  the  private
affairs of individuals, he shall keep it confidential in  accordance  with
relevant provisions of the law.
With the approval of the people's court, parties and other agents ad litem
may consult the materials relating to the court proceedings of  the  case,
except those  that  involve  state  secrets  or  the  private  affairs  of
          Chapter V Evidence
Article 31
Evidence shall be classified as follows:
(1) documentary evidence;
(2) material evidence;
(3) audio-visual material;
(4) testimony of witnesses;
(5) statements of the parties;
(6) expert conclusions; and
(7) records of inquests and records made on the scene.
Any of the above-mentioned evidence must be verified by the  court  before
it can be taken as a basis for ascertaining a fact.
Article 32
The  defendant  shall  have  the  burden  of  proof   for   the   specific
administrative act he has undertaken and shall provide  the  evidence  and
regulatory documents in accordance with which the act has been undertaken.
Article 33
In the course of legal proceedings, the defendant  shall  not  by  himself
collect evidence from the plaintiff and witnesses.
Article 34
A people's court shall have  the  authority  to  request  the  parties  to
provide or supplement evidence.
A people's court shall have the authority  to  obtain  evidence  from  the
relevant administrative organs, other organizations or citizens.
Article 35
In the course of legal proceedings, when a people's court  considers  that
an expert evaluation for a specialized problem is  necessary,  the  expert
evaluation shall be made by an expert evaluation department  as  specified
by law. In the absence of such a  department,  the  people's  court  shall
designate one to conduct the expert evaluation.
Article 36
Under circumstances where there is  a  likelihood  that  evidence  may  be
destroyed or lost or difficult to obtain later  on,  the  participants  in
proceedings may apply to  the  people's  court  for  the  evidence  to  be
preserved. The people's court may also on its own initiative take measures
to preserve such evidence.
          Chapter VI Bringing a Suit and Accepting a Case
Article 37
A citizen, a legal person or any other organization may, within the  scope
of cases acceptable to the people's courts,  apply  to  an  administrative
organ at the next higher level or to an administrative organ as prescribed
by the law or regulations  for  reconsideration,  anyone  who  refuses  to
accept the reconsideration decision may bring a  suit  before  a  people's
court; a citizen, a legal person or any other organization may also  bring
a suit directly before a people's court.
In circumstances where, in accordance with relevant provisions of laws  or
regulations, a citizen, a legal person or  any  other  organization  shall
first apply to an administrative organ for reconsideration and then  bring
a suit before a people's  court,  if  he  or  it  refuses  to  accept  the
reconsideration decision, the provisions of the laws or regulations  shall
Article 38
If a citizen, a legal person or  any  other  organization  applies  to  an
administrative organ for reconsideration, the organ shall make a  decision
within two months from the day of the receipt of the  application,  except
as otherwise provided for by law or regulations.  Anyone  who  refuses  to
accept the reconsideration decision may bring a  suit  before  a  people's
court within 15 days from the day of the receipt  of  the  reconsideration
decision. If the administrative organ conducting the reconsideration fails
to make a decision on the expiration of the time limit, the applicant  may
bring a suit before a people's court within 15 days after the  time  limit
for reconsideration expires, except as otherwise provided for by law.
Article 39
If a citizen, a legal person or  any  other  organization  brings  a  suit
directly before a people's court, he or it shall do so within three months
from the day when he or it knows that a specific  administrative  act  has
been undertaken, except as otherwise provided for by law.
Article 40
If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization  fails  to  observe
the time limit prescribed by law due to force  majeure  or  other  special
reasons, he or it may apply for an extent of the  time  limit  within  ten
days after the obstacle is removed; the requested extent shall be  decided
by a people's court.
Article 41
The following requirements shall be met when a suit is brought:
(1) the plaintiff  must  be  a  citizen,  a  legal  person  or  any  other
organization  that  considers  a  specific  administrative  act  to   have
infringed upon his or its lawful rights and interests;
(2) there must be a specific defendant or defendants;
(3) there must be a specific claim and a corresponding factual  basis  for
the suit; and (4) the suit must fall within the scope of cases  acceptable
to the people's courts and the specific jurisdiction of the people's court
where it is filed.
Article 42
When a people's court  receives  a  bill  of  complaint,  it  shall,  upon
examination, file a case  within  seven  days  or  decide  to  reject  the
complaint. If the plaintiff refuses to accept the decision, he may  appeal
to a people's court.
          Chapter VII Trial and Judgment
Article 43
A people's court shall send a  copy  of  the  bill  of  complaint  to  the
defendant within five days of filing the case. The defendant shall provide
the people's court with the documents on the basis  of  which  a  specific
administrative act has been undertaken and file a bill of  defence  within
ten days of receiving the copy of the bill  of  complaint.   The  people's
court shall send a copy of the bill of defence  to  the  plaintiff  within
five days of receiving it. Failure by the defendant  to  file  a  bill  of
defence shall not prevent the case from being tried by the people's court.
Article 44
During  the  time  of  legal  proceedings,  execution  of   the   specific
administrative act shall not  be  suspended.  Execution  of  the  specific
administrative  act  shall  be  suspended  under  one  of  the   following
(1) where suspension is deemed necessary by the defendant;
(2) where suspension of execution is ordered by the people's court at  the
request of the plaintiff because, in  the  view  of  the  people's  court,
execution of the  specific  administrative  act  will  cause  irremediable
losses and suspension of the execution will not harm public interests; or
(3) where suspension of execution is required by the provisions of laws or
Article 45
Administrative cases in the people's courts  shall  be  tried  in  public,
except for those that involve state secrets  or  the  private  affairs  of
individuals or are otherwise provided for by law.
Article 46
Administrative cases in the people's courts shall be tried by a  collegial
panel of judges or of judges and assessors. The number  of  members  of  a
collegial panel shall be an odd number of three or more.
Article 47
If a party considers a  member  of  the  judicial  personnel  to  have  an
interest in the case or to be otherwise related to it,  which  may  affect
the impartial handling of the case, the party  shall  have  the  right  to
demand his withdrawal.
If a member of  the  judicial  personnel  considers  himself  to  have  an
interest in the case or to be otherwise related to it, he shall apply  for
The provisions of the  two  preceding  paragraphs  shall  apply  to  court
clerks, interpreters, expert witnesses and persons who conduct inquests.
The withdrawal of the president of the court as the chief judge  shall  be
decided by the court's adjudication committee; the withdrawal of a  member
of the judicial personnel shall be decided by the president of the court;
the withdrawal of other personnel shall be decided by the chief judge.
Parties who refuse to accept the decision may apply for reconsideration.
Article 48
If the plaintiff refuses to appear  in  court  without  justified  reasons
after being twice legally summoned by the people's court, the court  shall
consider this an application for  the  withdrawal  of  the  suit;  if  the
defendant refuses to appear in court without justified reasons, the  court
may make a judgment by default.
Article 49
If a participant in the proceedings or any other person commits any of the
following acts, the people's court may, according to  the  seriousness  of
his offence, reprimand him, order him to sign a statement of repentance or
impose upon him a fine of not more than 1,000 yuan or detain him  for  not
longer  than  15  days;  if  a  crime   is   constituted,   his   criminal
responsibility shall be investigated:
(1) evading without reason, refusing  to  assist  in  or  obstructing  the
execution of the  notice  of  a  people's  court  for  assistance  in  its
execution by a person who has the duty to render assistance;
(2) forging, concealing or destroying evidence;
(3) instigating, suborning or threatening  others  to  commit  perjury  or
hindering witnesses from giving testimony;
(4) concealing, transferring, selling or destroying the property that  has
been sealed up, seized or frozen;
(5) using violence, threats or other means to hinder the  personnel  of  a
people's court from performing their duties or disturbing the order of the
work of a people's court; or (6) insulting, slandering,  framing,  beating
or retaliating against the personnel of a people's court, participants  in
proceedings or personnel who assist in the execution of duties; A fine  or
detention must be approved by the president of a people's court.   Parties
who  refuse  to   accept   the   punishment   decision   may   apply   for
Article 50
A  people's  court  shall  not   apply   conciliation   in   handling   an
administrative case.
Article 51
Before  a  people's  court  announces  its  judgment  or   order   on   an
administrative case, if the plaintiff applies for the  withdrawal  of  the
suit, or if the defendant amends its specific administrative act and, as a
result, the plaintiff agrees and applies for the withdrawal of  the  suit,
the people's court shall decide whether or not to grant the approval.
Article 52
In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall take the  law,
administrative  rules  and  regulations  and  local  regulations  as   the
criteria. Local regulations shall be applicable  to  administrative  cases
within the corresponding administrative areas. In handling  administrative
cases of a national autonomous area, the people's courts shall  also  take
the regulations on autonomy  and  separate  regulations  of  the  national
autonomous area as the criteria.
Article 53
In handling administrative cases,  the  people's  courts  shall  take,  as
references,  regulations  formulated  and  announced  by   ministries   or
commissions under the  State  Council  in  accordance  with  the  law  and
administrative rules and regulations, decisions or  orders  of  the  State
Council and regulations formulated and announced, in accordance  with  the
law and administrative rules and regulations of the State Council, by  the
people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions  and  municipalities
directly under the Central Government, of the cities  where  the  people's
governments of provinces and autonomous regions are located,  and  of  the
larger cities approved as such by the State Council.
If a people's court considers regulations formulated and  announced  by  a
local people's government to be inconsistent with  regulations  formulated
and announced by a ministry or commission under the State Council,  or  if
it  considers  regulations  formulated  and  announced  by  ministries  or
commissions under the State Council to be inconsistent  with  each  other,
the Supreme People's Court shall refer the matter to the State Council for
interpretation or ruling.
Article 54
After hearing a case, a people's court shall make the following  judgments
according to the varying conditions:
(1) If the evidence for  undertaking  a  specific  administrative  act  is
conclusive, the application of the law  and  regulations  to  the  act  is
correct,  and  the  legal  procedure  is  complied  with,   the   specific
administrative act shall be sustained by judgment.
(2) If a specific administrative act has been undertaken  in  one  of  the
following circumstances, the act shall be annulled or  partially  annulled
by judgment, or the defendant may be required by judgment to  undertake  a
specific administrative act anew:
a. inadequacy of essential evidence;
b. erroneous application of the law or regulations;
c. violation of legal procedure;
d. exceeding authority; or
e. abuse of powers.
(3) If a defendant fails to perform  or  delays  the  performance  of  his
statutory duty, a fixed time shall be set by judgment for his  performance
of the duty.
(4) If an administrative sanction is obviously unfair, it may  be  amended
by judgment.
Article 55
A defendant who has been  judged  by  a  people's  court  to  undertake  a
specific administrative act anew must not, based  on  the  same  fact  and
reason, undertake a specific administrative act essentially identical with
the original act.
Article 56
In handling administrative cases, if a people's court considers  the  head
of an administrative organ or  the  person  directly  in  charge  to  have
violated  administrative  discipline,  it  shall  transfer  the   relevant
materials to the administrative organ or the administrative organ  at  the
next higher level or to  a  supervisory  or  personnel  department;  if  a
people's court considers the person to have committed a  crime,  it  shall
transfer the relevant materials to the public security  and  procuratorial
Article 57
A people's court shall pass a judgment  of  first  instance  within  three
months from the  day  of  filing  the  case.  Extent  of  the  time  limit
necessitated by special  circumstances  shall  be  approved  by  a  higher
people's court, extent of the time limit for  handling  a  case  of  first
instance by a higher people's court, extent of the time limit for handling
a case of first instance by a higher people's court shall be  approved  by
the Supreme People's Court.
Article 58
If a party refuses to accept a judgment of first instance  by  a  people's
court, he shall have the right to file an appeal with the  people's  court
at the next higher level within 15 days of  the  serving  of  the  written
judgment. If a party refuses to accept an order of  first  instance  by  a
people's court, he shall have  the  right  to  file  an  appeal  with  the
people's court at the next higher level within 10 days of the  serving  of
the written order. All  judgments  and  orders  of  first  instance  by  a
people's court that have not been  appealed  within  the  prescribed  time
limit shall be legally effective.
Article 59
A people's court may handle  an  appealed  case  by  examining  the  court
records, if it considers the facts clearly ascertained.
Article 60
In handling an appealed case, a people's court shall make a final judgment
within two months from the day of receiving the appeal. Extent of the time
limit necessitated by special circumstances shall be approved by a  higher
people's court, extent of the time limit for handling an appealed case  by
a higher people's court shall be approved by the Supreme People's Court.
Article 61
A people's court shall handle an appealed case respectively  according  to
the conditions set forth below:
(1) if the facts are clearly ascertained and the law and  regulations  are
correctly applied in the original judgment, the appeal shall  be  rejected
and the original judgment sustained;
(2) if the facts are clearly ascertained but the law and  regulations  are
incorrectly applied in  the  original  judgment,  the  judgment  shall  be
amended according to the law and regulations; or
(3) if the facts are not clearly ascertained in the original  judgment  or
the evidence is insufficient, or a violation of the  prescribed  procedure
may have affected the correctness of the original judgment,  the  original
judgment shall be rescinded and the case remanded to the original people's
court for retrial, or the people's court of the second instance may  amend
the judgment after investigating and clarifying the facts. The parties may
appeal against the judgment or order rendered in a retrial of their case.
Article 62
If a party considers that a legally effective judgment or  order  contains
some definite error, he may make complaints to the  people's  court  which
tried the case or to a people's court at a higher level, but the execution
of the judgment or order shall not be suspended.
Article 63
If the president of a people's court finds a violation  of  provisions  of
the law or regulations in a legally effective judgment  or  order  of  his
court and deems it necessary to have the case retried, he shall refer  the
matter to the adjudication committee, which shall decide whether a retrial
is necessary.
If a people's court at a higher level finds a violation of  provisions  of
the law or regulations in a legally  effective  judgment  or  order  of  a
people's court at a lower level, it shall have the power to bring the case
up for trial itself or direct the people's court at  the  lower  level  to
conduct a retrial.
Article 64
If the people's procuratorate finds a violation of provisions of  the  law
or regulations in a legally effective judgement or  order  of  a  people's
court, it shall have the right to  lodge  a  protest  in  accordance  with
procedures of judicial supervision.
          Chapter VII Execution
Article 65
The parties must perform the legally effective judgment or  order  of  the
people's court.  If a citizen, a legal person or  any  other  organization
refuses to perform the judgment or order,  the  administrative  organ  may
apply to a people's court of first instance for  compulsory  execution  or
proceed with compulsory execution according to law.  If an  administrative
organ refuses to perform the judgment or  order,  the  people's  court  of
first instance may adopt the following measures:
(1) informing the bank to transfer from the administrative organ's account
the amount of the fine that should be returned or the damages that  should
be paid;
(2) imposing a fine of 50 to 100 yuan per day on an  administrative  organ
that fails to perform the judgment or order  within  the  prescribed  time
limit, counting from the day when the time limit expires;
(3) putting forward  a  judicial  proposal  to  the  administrative  organ
superior to the administrative organ in question or to  a  supervisory  or
personnel department; the organ or department that  accepts  the  judicial
proposal shall deal with  the  matter  in  accordance  with  the  relevant
provisions and inform the people's court of its disposition; and
(4) if an administrative organ refuses to execute a judgment or order, and
the circumstances are so serious that a crime is constituted, the head  of
the administrative organ and  the  person  directly  in  charge  shall  be
investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
Article 66
If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization, during the  period
prescribed by law, neither brings a suit  nor  carries  out  the  specific
administrative act, the administrative organ may apply to a people's court
for compulsory execution, or proceed with compulsory  execution  according
to law.
          Chapter IX Liability for Compensation for Infringement of Rights
Article 67
A citizen, a legal person or any other  organization  who  suffers  damage
because of the infringement upon his or its lawful rights and interests by
a specific administrative act of an administrative organ or the  personnel
of an administrative organ, shall have the right to claim compensation.
If  a  citizen,  a  legal  person  or  any  other  organization  makes  an
independent claim for damages, the case shall first be dealt  with  by  an
administrative organ. Anyone who refuses to accept the disposition by  the
administrative organ may file a suit in a people's court. Conciliation may
be applied in handling a suit for damages.
Article 68
If a specific administrative act undertaken by an administrative organ  or
the personnel of an administrative organ infringes upon the lawful  rights
and interests of a citizen, a legal person or any other  organization  and
causes damage, the administrative organ or  the  administrative  organ  to
which  the  above-mentioned  personnel  belongs  shall   be   liable   for
After paying the compensation, the  administrative  organ  shall  instruct
those members of its personnel who have  committed  intentional  or  gross
mistakes in the case to bear part or all of the damages.
Article 69
The cost of compensation shall  be  included  as  an  expenditure  in  the
government budget at various levels. The people's governments  at  various
levels may order the administrative organs  responsible  for  causing  the
compensation to bear part or all of the  damages.  The  specific  measures
thereof shall be formulated by the State Council.
          Chapter X Administrative Procedure Involving Foreign Interests
Article 70
This Law shall be applicable to foreign nationals, stateless  persons  and
foreign organizations that are engaged  in  administrative  suits  in  the
People's Republic of China, except as otherwise provided for by law.
Article 71
Foreign nationals, stateless persons and foreign  organizations  that  are
engaged in administrative suits in the People's Republic  of  China  shall
have  the  same  litigation  rights  and  obligations  as   citizens   and
organizations of the People's Republic of China.  Should the courts  of  a
foreign country  impose  restrictions  on  the  administrative  litigation
rights of the citizens and  organizations  of  the  People's  Republic  of
China,  the  Chinese  people's  courts  shall  follow  the  principle   of
reciprocity regarding the administrative litigation rights of the citizens
and organizations of that foreign country.
Article 72
If an international  treaty  concluded  or  acceded  to  by  the  People's
Republic of China contains provisions different from those found  in  this
Law, the provisions of the international treaty shall  apply,  unless  the
provisions are ones on which the People's Republic of China has  announced
Article 73
When  foreign  nationals,  stateless  persons  and  foreign  organizations
appoint lawyers as their agents ad litem in administrative  suits  in  the
People's Republic of China, they  shall  appoint  lawyers  of  a  lawyers'
organization of the People's Republic of China.
          Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions
Article 74
A people's court shall charge litigation fees for handling  administrative
cases. The litigation fee shall be borne by the losing party, or  by  both
parties if they are both held responsible. The procedure for the  charging
of litigation fees shall be specified separately.
Article 75
This Law shall come into force as of October 1, 1990.

张文凯律师 北京市君泰律师事务所上海分所
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